• contact me, if you're looking for
    • a speaker (queer/trans ecologies, eco-feminism, sustainable/regenerative activism, ecosomatics)
    • a facilitator for labs, workshops, discussion rounds
    • to create immersive, participatory, artistic, reflective spaces at your conference/event/gathering
  • networks:
    > QERG 1 [queer-ecological reading group]: slow-reading group in which we read works we choose together and discuss (selection of themes: *queer *feminist *decolonial *socio-ecological *post-anthropocentric *capitalism critique *utopian *... – sometimes academic, sometimes novels/poems) - language: English. meeting every first Sunday afternoon of the month in Vienna, AT

    > QERG2 [queer-ecological research group]: an informal group, where we suggest meetings to explore the practical, lived, embodied aspects of queer ecology, possibly through activism and_or art (e.g. *eco-somatics *community living *hiking *collecting herbs *movement/mindfulness *performance *exhibitions *... – different collaborations and interest groups can emerge from this group.) irregular meetings and activities in and around Vienna, AT
    >> both groups are organized via Signal - send me an email, if you're interested in joining.


Past offerings

  • 20.06.2024 [speaker] Queering the Belvedere: Sprechstunde. Ökofeminismus und Queer Ecology. Belvedere21. Vienna, AT
  • 24.06.2022 [workshop] Achtsamer Aktivismus, with Eva Befeldt @ Klimacamp, Vienna, AT
  • 24.05.-27.05.2021 [4 day summer school, online] Thinking and practicing queerfeminism in an eco-context, with Giul Andrighetto @ Klimacamp, Vienna, AT
  • 31.08.-04.09.2020 [4 day summer school] Que(e)rdenker*innen united: thinking and practicing queerfeminism in an eco-context, with Giul Andrighetto @ Klimacamp, Vienna, AT
  • 04.11.2019 [talk] “Melancholic? Naturally!”: Impulses for Cultural Transformation from Queer-Ecological Worldmaking, Activism, and Art in a Western Context @ The First International Queer Death Studies Conference: “Death Matters, Queer(ing) Mourning, Attuning to Transitionings”, University of Karlstad, SE
  • 23.08.2018 [workshop] Weaving futures: A collage workshop / [immersive experience] Confession booth / [performance] The magician, with The Really Wild Show @ Degrowth Conference Malmö, SE
  • 11.08.2018 [workshop] Art and climate! Create a collage about the future! - with The Really Wild Show, @ Skissernas Museum at Malmöfestivalen, Malmö, SE
  • 27.04.2018 [workshop] Fantastic Futures - with The Really Wild Show, @ Arts meet Science, LUCSUS x Skissernas museum, Lund,  SE
  • 09.-12-10.2017 [interactive art installation / immersive experience / performance ] The Really Wild Show begins - with The Really Wild Show @ Earth System Governance Conference, University of Lund, SE
  • 02-07.2016 [workshop creation and facilitation] as Environmental Messenger of Seeds Iceland (European Voluntary Service)

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