What is integrative bodywork?

Integrative bodywork is a practice that supports self-exploration, -awareness, -discovery through

  • Guided presencing and awareness: invitations to become aware to the sensations, feelings, thoughts, memories, images present in the bodymind in any given moment, and become attuned to the embodied resources we hold
  • Somatic dialogue: support in finding the words to name what’s present, and practice voicing what’s here
  • Listening touch: an intuitive touch that listens, responds to and amplifies patterns of embodiment present in the body, and thus allows emotions, tensions, dynamics, stories, and trauma stored in the body to be released
  • Somatic coaching: alternatively to touch, various exercises support your process by inviting you to sense, move, cultivate intuition, relate, sort, walk etc. 

Through these practices, I support you to access, feel, express and thus integrate various layers of your past and present experience. The awareness of your inner on-goings, personal space, needs, boundaries, ways of relating, embodied patterns as well as resources and naming them, is a skill that becomes easier and easier to apply. 


What does a session look like?

A session lasts 60 minutes. At the beginning, we clarify a topic/ focus / intention for the session together. Depending on the topic, we then either take a consensual touch-based approach or work with scores for self-awareness, self-touch, movement, and/or other forms of expression. Either way, we stay in dialogue about the sensations, emotions, thoughts, images etc. you are experiencing. The topic guides the process, and yet we both remain open to any outcome. Towards the end of the session I give you some time to integrate the experience on your own, and then check in on you a final time to wrap up the session.

What is integrative bodywork for?

Integrative bodywork can be supportive for any kind of emotional, physical, relational, social, societal/structural topic you may be experiencing, and also considers the way these layers are intertwined.

Outcomes may be

  • increased self-awareness
  • improved communication skills
  • relaxation and stress reduction
  • concrete tools: to regulate the nervous system, to navigate social situations, to express yourself through words and body, to make decisions intuitively, to sense your body/space/boundaries, …
  • discovering inner resources

…and much more.

What is my role as a bodyworker?

As a practitioner, it is my task to keep the time, hold the space and frame of the process, and take accountability in guiding you through it - while at the same time giving you the agency to take charge of your own process and where or how far it is going. I support you compassionately through questions, invitations, observations, and - if you consent - touch. My role is to empower you to discover your own inner resources, solutions, and self-healing capacities, not to fix or heal you. We are in this work together!

What methods do I draw on?

Touch: methods from Body Mind Centering, Cranio-sacral Therapy, and Experiential Anatomy

Dialogue: dialogue work according to Buber, Focusing (E. Gendlin), Non-violent communication (M. Rosenberg)

Somatic coaching: methodology by I. Huber and A. Stejksal, Art of Hosting for Cultural Change (Pioneers of Change)

Additionally I draw on methods from generative somatics (S. Haines), Authentic movement, as well as my somatics- and dance training.

What about accessibility?

Spatial accessibility: I offer my work in various practice spaces with different degrees of spatial accessibility up to completely barrier-free. Please indicate any access needs when booking a session with me, and I will make sure to book an appropriate room.

Social accessibility: I work trauma- and neurodivergence-informed, and share lived experience as a queer, trans-nonbinary, white, able-bodied person living in various relationship dynamics. 

Financial accessibility: If my prices are beyond your financial capacities, please get in touch and 

Linguistic accessibility: I am fluent in both English and German.

If you face any barriers to access my work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and I will do my best to accommodate your needs.

What makes bodywork political?

My personal approach to bodywork is informed by generative somatics (Staci K. Haines), which invite the cultivation of awareness of how our embodiment is shaped by the family structures, communities, cultures, institutions we grow up and move in, in order to change both on a personal and a collective level. They consider the personal healing from various struggles and traumas through embodiment practices and the integration of embodiment tools in social justice movements a necessity for shifts towards more just and (re)generative cultures. 

As a queer, trans non-binary, neuroqueer, white, able-bodied practitioner living in various relationship constellations, I can personally speak to those experiences, and am at the same time consistently working to (un)learning in regards to other oppressions, struggles, and life realities. 


Ich mache Integrative Körperarbeit zum ersten Mal bei Levi.

Während den Sitzungen erlebe ich Levi als sehr feinfühlig, empathisch und respektvoll. Ich fühle mich sehr gut aufgehoben, da Levi es schafft, schnell eine offene und vertrauensvolle Umgebung zu schaffen, in der ich mit allen Gefühlen und Eindrücken da sein darf. Seit der Arbeit mit Levi, merke ich, dass ich viel mehr "in" und bei mir sein kann, was sowohl mich, als auch meine Beziehungen mit anderen positiv beeinflusst. Ich kann die Arbeit mit Levi herzlich empfehlen und bin wirklich sehr dankbar dafür! :) 

For about two years, Levi has accompanied me in my process of understanding myself better by getting access to my own embodied knowledge. Since the very beginning, they gave me a feeling of being held and created an atmosphere of safety that allowed me to open up without being scared of what would come out. I never thought that I would feel comfortable enough to be touched in such a vulnerable way but Levi made me feel the most safe. After several years of speech therapy, the sessions with Levi allowed me to access struggles and emotions not only intellectually but also very physically for the first time. Levi helped me to understand my needs and boundaries better and gave me tools to get from mind to body when feeling overwhelmed. The softness and kindness that Levi has shown throughout our time together has taught me to be more compassionate with myself. They have helped me to feel myself more actively and attentively, and to learn the importance of being present in my body. I am forever grateful for the experiences I’ve made with and through them and hope to keep working together for a long time.

Offer Price
Single session € 60 / 80 / 100
5 sessions (- 5%) € 285 / 380 / 475
10 sessions (- 10%) € 540 / 720 / 900

Please choose your financial contribution in alignment with your financial capacities. The first price category is to make my work available to low income/ low resource folks, wheres the third price category is for high income/ high resource folks to support making that possible.


At the moment, I offer my sessions in various practice spaces through flexible booking in 1010 or 1060 Vienna - when booking a session with me, you can let me know your spatial preferences and I will book a space accordingly.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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