11.03.-24.06., 17:00-18:30 careful collisions: care
11.03.-24.06., 18:40-20:10 careful collisions: agency
31.03., 18:00-20:30 moving poetries, co-creative worldmaking: question, (un)learn, improvise
06.04., 14:00-17:00 entangled encounters: moving with blossoms
12. & 13.04., 10:00-18:00 sicher zu_fallen / surely uncertain - creative uncertainty lab
14.04., 18:00-20:30 moving poetries, co-creative worldmaking: collaborate, communicate, negotiate
04.05., 14:00-17:00 entangled encounters: moving with meadows
05.05., 18:00-20:30 moving poetries, co-creative worldmaking: taking space, taking risks
++ ongoing offerings: integrative bodywork in 1:1-sessions
You can find an overview of my past offerings here.

02.03., 06.04., 04.05. entangled encounters
ecosomatics, movement and writing research labs
buzzing meadows - tickling gras - leafy lightplay - soft moss - juicy green - rough bark - entangled encounters to sense, move and learn-with
In this series of outdoor labs, we meet and are moved by other forms of life such as plants, wild animals, fungi. Guided by ecosomatic practices, we develop observation and witnessing skills - a deep-time, present being-with. These encounters inform both our movement and writing practices, leading us into a web of creative interconnectedness. From our experiences we gather emergent knowledge and ferment principles for relating with the more-than-human world through collective composition and exchange. A holistic research that encompasses self-discovery, exploration of perspectives and words, collective intelligence and regeneration, as well as cultural transformation by experiencing entanglement.
📆 Dates & times: 02.03., 14:30-16:30; 06.04.& 05.05. 14:00-17:00
📍 Location: Steinhofgründe, Vienna (spatial access info: we will be working on forest grounds).
💸 Costs: freely chosen according to your means between 20 - 60€ per date. No one will be turned away for lack of funds - if money is a barrier to participate for you, please get in touch.
🌈 No prior experience required.
💬 Language: The labs will be facilitated in English, with possible translation in German and French, and you are welcome to express yourself in any language.
➡️ Register here, via the registration form .
📅 02.03. moving with buds
buds and sprouts - a build-up of energy still in dormancy - felt potentials, emergent dynamics, new beginnings, all from fertile grounds
We practice reading the landscape and the season, looking for signs of change and emergence - green smells, birds twittering,bright light over the young leaves, new impulses. What is changing around us, and how does it change us? We acknowledge new impulses still letting life move in its own timing, in tune with the season, trusting the emergent processes.In and with this rich ecosystem, we play with sensing, moving and creative writing to cultivate presence, tap into our intuition and unfold the not-yet into words and shapes.
📅 06.04. moving with blossoms
First manifestations of potential - wild impulses - unfolding and shape-taking - new-born life and future fruits
As the spring season is blooming, we look at what has come to life both within ourselves and in our environment. In this session,we immerse ourselves in organic shapes, colours and movement.We tune into the impulses for unfolding and expanding while paying attention to the relationships within the ecosystem. Wemay notice beauty and yet everything is in the process of change: we open our body-minds to the coexistence of parallel dynamics. We practice presence, tap into our intuition and unfold what wants to manifest from within.
📅 04.05. moving with meadows
Grass, flowers, weeds, insects - a host of diversity, chaordic structures - and where may be our position(ality) in all of this?
Let's buzz on a somatic and botanical adventure into the meadows. As we practice our attentional skills, we learn to observe and see through different layers of the ecosystem,getting inspired by the functions, dynamics, and opportunities offered by its diversity. We invite the experienced elements of the meadow to fertilize our own expression, letting a collective (movement and word) composition emerge.

March - May 2025 Moving Poetries: co-creative worldmaking
This lab is designed as a collaborative learning adventure, in which we research and experiment together on the topic of worldmaking. Exploring pathways of both individual and collaborative/collective creation with movement, words and writing, we will ask "what do we want to create together and how?", as we consider the studio as an experimental ground for the ways of relating, making, showing up, and expressing that we want to cultivate and see ripple out into the world. Throughout the series, we gather materials and skills that we will later-on invite as a fertile ground for a (voluntary) co-created gathering, to share our practices. This is a process of empowerment, cultivating both our sense of agency and community, to creatively generate change.
Session 1, 10.03.: collect, inspire, assemble
In order to stay with the troubles of this world, this workshop will support you in tending to your emotionalities and carving out a space to playfully, hopefully get inspired. It’s an invitation to (re-)connect with your core values and how you wish for them to unfold in the world. We’ll do so by drawing inspiration from our individual and collective embodiment, movement, and creative writing - assembling a sense of community, connection, and utopia in sharing our purpose.
Session 2, 31.03.: question, (un)learn, improvise
Witnessing the continuation of crises in this world can sometimes impact our sense of agency and imagination. In this workshop, we will broaden our perspectives through undoing and/or doing differently from what we know. Through creative movement and writing scores we’re practicing exploring our options, discovering new pathways, and expanding what’s imaginable. By practicing playfully on an embodied level, this way of being in the world becomes more readily available to us, thus creating potentials for transformation/change also in other areas of our lives. Let’s get regeneratively creative together!
Session 3, 14.04.: collaborate, communicate, negotiate
In the third session, we will explore dynamics of working together to
realize our ideas and the fruitful potentials of community, friction,
multitudes. (more detailed infos following shortly)
Session 4, 05.05.: taking space, taking risks
In the fourth session, we will experiment with qualities and modalities of our expressions, our presence, our showing up. (more detailed infos following shortly)
📅 workshops: 10.3., 31.3., 14.4., 5.5., 18:00-20:30
📍location: Bikes & Rails, 1100 Vienna (wheelchair accessible)
💸 20-40 per session, or 80-130 for all sessions (nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. if money is a barrier to you joining, please get in touch)
🌈 no prior experience required - open level
➡️ registration and more info: https://forms.gle/aBzVes2iyKbfCa138 or under movingpoetries.com
🔮 stay tuned in our telegram channel: https://t.me/+oZ2pqLiGl0pjODY0

March 2025 - June 2025 careful collisions /// care // agency
Tuesdays, 17:00-18:30 care
How we give/receive care is informed by our socialization and deeply embodied. Together, we will examine our patterns of care, cultivating practices to build sustainable webs of care in our dances and beyond. We will move (with) questions such as: What are my patterns (of care) when being in contact, when being in a group, and how can I potentially change them? How can we support each other without crossing our own boundaries? How can we show up for each other, when mistakes/failing happen/s?
In this course we will explore failing, falling, showing up, holding each other, nervous system regulation, weight sharing/support, emotional sharing, community care practices, integration in solo, partnering and group constellations.
Tuesdays, 18:40-20:10 agency
Agency is a sense of choice /// space for action which we want to cultivate and empower - in our dances and beyond. In this course we will move (with) questions such as: How can I allow myself to shift/change/leave at any point in contact? How can I stay in touch with my own needs, boundaries and curiosities while in contact? How can I harness freedom in a given frame, condition, system?
We will explore entering, exiting, re-entering contact, tracking and following personal space, boundaries, needs, curiosities in contact with others, speaking/acting up, saying no (and yes!), practice consent, and generate optionsoptionsoptions in solo, partnering and group constellations.
Try out: 04.03. 17:00-20:00
Courses: 11.3., 25.3., 1.4., 8.4., 29.4., 6.5., 13.5., 27.5., 3.6., 10.6., 17.6.
17:00-18:30 CARE
18:40-20:10 AGENCY
+ 24.06. special outdoor jam semester finale
260-280-300 € one course
475-495-515 € both courses
more info and registration via the registration form.

12. & 13´.04. surely uncertain -
A queer, moving exploration space for dealing creatively with uncertainties
Sometimes a lot is in the unknown. That can be beautiful, for example, because it leaves possibilities open or creates space for something new. But we also know the feeling of being overwhelmed and insecure when there's a lot of uncertainty. How can I find a secure hold inside when things are going haywire on the outside? What can I do for myself when nothing seems to be fixed or some things seem to be left to chance? How can I deal with it when so much is unclear that planning and decision-making becomes difficult? At this workshop-weekend we want to explore these and similar questions and develop helpful and strengthening tools for everyday life through movement, body awareness, and creativity.
When: Sat 12.04. & Sun 13.04., 10:00-18:00
Where: Vienna - details will follow shortly
Costs: 120-300 € according to self-assessment. (Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds - if you want to participate, but cannot afford it, please contact us)
Register here: https://forms.gle/J5mdue1LyTGEaFA37
facilitated by Leno Gasser (they/them, no pronouns), art therapist, and Levi Mühlbacher (they/them, no pronouns), holistic dance- and movement pedagogue
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