
My experiences and interests span across a variety of fields - engaging with, informing, fertilizing each other.
They create my unique, entangled perspective, my situated knowledge_body, and set of principles I apply in all of my work.



movement. somatics. dance

As a holistic dance- and movement pedagogue, dancer, and mindful mover, I believe in the immense power and depth of embodied, experiential knowledge. Through dancing, moving, somatic experiencing, playing we get to (un/re)learn with and through our bodies. Contact improvisation, authentic movement, contemporary improvisation, bodywork and ecosomatics can help us get in touch with ourselves, others, and the more-than-human world we are embedded in.




power awareness. inclusivity. complexity

Through my studies of Sociology and International Development Studies, but also my own experiences of being queer and trans_non-binary, I developed a power critical, queerfeminist lens. It allows me to create a welcoming atmosphere of inclusiveness in my offerings, and hold braver spaces for complex group dynamics for deconstructing, unlearning, and transforming norms through collective sensitivization and care.



regenerative cultures.

sustainability. interconnectedness. holistic thinking

Studying Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science further enabled me to view the complex socio-ecological crises of our time as interconnected. Cultural linkages between how Western societies view and treat so-called nature, the body, certain social groups as inferior became more and more apparent. Embodied, queerfeminist and holistic approaches can create possibilities for regeneration, reimagination and change on multiple levels.



spaces for transformative change.

process design. hosting. facilitation

I create spaces to transform unsustainable cultures, in which we can unlearn and reshape our patterns individually and collectively. I design, facilitate, and host processes that allow us to be fully present with what is, in which we communicate openly, in which our bodies, our emotions, our different ways of being_knowing_doing are welcome, in which we invite creativity and imagination, and in which we take responsibility as a community, co-creating cultures of sustainable activism, work, and convivialism.